MP + Soldbuch + Hülle Hohenzollern Fuß-Art-Regt.13


Militair Pass + 2x Soldbuch + Hülle of Wilhelm Lüfsmann in service of Hohenzollernsches Fußartillerie-Regiment Nr.13, 10.Batterie from 1909 to 1911.

In 1910 Lüfsmann was promoted to Obergefreiter, in 1911 to Sergeant.

He also received the Schießabzeichen I. stufe in 1910 (with Carbine’98).

During the war in service from 1914 to 1919 with Hohenzollernsches Fußartillerie-Regiment Nr.24, 5.Batterie.

In 1915 Lüfsmann was promoted again, now to non-commissioned officer and received the Iron Cross 2nd class on 25.04.1916.

He experienced many major battles, including; Hartmannweilerkopf, Verdun, Reims, Aisne-Champagne, Chemin des Dames and again Verdun.

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